Me Made May 2016
I, Hilary Jordan, sign up as a participant of Me-Made-May '16. I endeavor to wear something handmade for the majority of each week for the duration of May 2016.
Making my own clothes has always been something I love. I started sewing at the age of 13 because I wanted to make myself a Halloween costume, and I haven't slowed down since then! My first makes were pretty terrible (and I have thrown a few away over the years) but I have learned so much and I love the sewing and quilting community that I have found!
Making my own clothes has always been something I love. I started sewing at the age of 13 because I wanted to make myself a Halloween costume, and I haven't slowed down since then! My first makes were pretty terrible (and I have thrown a few away over the years) but I have learned so much and I love the sewing and quilting community that I have found!
So during May I am going to attempt to wear my handmade makes for the majority of days. I know that doing it every day will be a stretch because I haven't endeavored to make basics like yoga pants, and t-shirts, oh how I love yoga pants and t-shirts. But I will track my progress on Instagram, and I will try to make it over here for a weekly recap.
Are you joining in with Me Made May?
I probably should be joining you. I used to make a lot of my clothes. Right now I can't find anything to buy off the rack. Plus I HATE shopping unless it is a fabric store.