Me Made May - Week 1

I have to be honest and say that I am kinda shocked that I was able to make it an entire week wearing something that I made! So here are the garments/outfits I wore for the past week.

*Waring: there are some pretty terrible selfies here lol*

Friday 5/1/2015
Saturday 5/2/2015
A photo posted by Hilary Smith (@youngtexanmama) on

Sunday 5/3/2015

Monday May the Fourth Be With You aka Star Wars Day

Tuesday 5/5/2015

Wednesday 5/6/2015

Thursday 5/7/2015

This past week has been so much fun and I am loving wearing the things that I have made. It is such an amazing feeling when someone compliments my outfit and I can say (probably too excitedly) that I made it! 

Before starting Me Made May I didn't have any intention of actually wearing something me made every day because I didn't think I had that many things to wear but I am so stoked about it that I seriously want to make all of the things! 

So what do you love most about wearing your handmade garments? 


  1. Those are all so great! The octopi skirt is my favorite. Well, tied with the Star Wars top maybe. :) I have yet to make any clothes for myself. I seem to collect the patterns and buy the fabric but then get intimidated that it won't look right on me and so they just sit...waiting. Someday. Soon hopefully.

  2. What a fab wardrobe you've got! I love all these clothes that you've made. One day I'd like to give garment sewing a go, I keep waiting until I've lost some more weight.


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