Weekend Recap

We had a pretty lazy weekend. Friday night we stayed in and had a home-cooked meal and watched TV. I got these pre-made hamburger patties that had bacon and cheddar cheese mixed in from HEB, and they were delicious. 

Then Saturday night we went over to our friend Chris's house for a really low key party(i.e. ordered pizza, drank beer, and watched TV). We didn't have a sitter so we took William with us and he had so much fun!

William and Chris were trying to get the cat to come out from under the bed. Simba was scared of William and barely showed his face because when he did, William would chase him and yell "CAT!"

William watched Toy Story for the very first time. It's one of the few Disney Movies I don't currently own. "I'm Mrs. Nesbit!" lol favorite part.

Chris has pretty much every game system ever made, and we played Mario Party on the N64. I would have won the game but someone bumped into the system and the game froze :(

The next morning William was pooped. He had woken up at around 4:30-5:00am and couldn't go back to sleep.

He finally passed out again around 1pm when we watched Toy Story again. I love when he falls asleep on me. He doesn't do it very often anymore so when he does I savor it, even if it means my legs fall asleep.

I even got some sewing in when we got home yesterday evening. One block is better than no blocks :)

Linking up with:

Sami's Shenanigans


  1. Looks like you guys had such a great weekend! As you saw earlier, we're all about the lazy weekends. And why do kids look so precious when they are sleeping?! Melts my heart. Have a great week lady! :)

  2. I love those burger patties with cheese/bacon in them! I got some from kroger and they were so delicious :)

  3. Sounds like a perfect weekend! Your little boy is just so precious!

  4. low key weekends are always fun! ps- i <3 HEB.


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